What is mesothelioma?
According to Wikipedia mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos.
If you have seen this term mentioned before it is because the name is very popular! And it is popular becaue there are lawsuits going on where people are suing because they have contracted mesothelioma. For example the W.R. Grace company is up on criminal charges that they released dangerous asbestos fibers throughout a mining town.
The first lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers were in 1929. Since then, many lawsuits have been filed against asbestos manufacturers and employers, for neglecting to implement safety measures after the links between asbestos, asbestosis, and mesothelioma became known (some reports seem to place this as early as 1898). The liability resulting from the sheer number of lawsuits and people affected has reached billions of dollars. The amounts and method of allocating compensation have been the source of many court cases, and government attempts at resolution of existing and future cases.
There have also been instances where the cause of contracting mesothelioma was found with people who worked at shipyards or those who were in the military service.
It may be even possible that you could have a legitimate legal case against a company if you think you contracted mesothelioma. The best thing for you to do would be to either search online for lawyers or law firms that are handling similar cases or check the law firms in your own local area to see if they are handling similar cases.
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