While having your own bank account is a good thing I realize that there are a lot of people that don't have one. There could be a number of reasons for this like they don't have enough money to put in a bank account or they are not able to open a bank account because they have had a previous bank account that hasn't been settled. For instance here in Philadelphia you can't open a new bank account if you have a debt to be paid from your old bank account.
I even remember talking to one bank cashier who told me that she didn't even have a bank account - although she hereself worked in a bank!
Also a lot of banks have a lot of different fees - fees that keep people away from having a bank account. So there are a lot of different reasons why some people don't have a bank account.
But if you can manage it please do try to have one. Hopefully you will be able to find a bank that doesn't charge excessive fees and/or don't require a minimum balance in order to keep it. I realize that you may have to do a bit of searching around to find such a bank but there are some of them out there.
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9 years ago
1 comment:
Just got finished reading some literature from a bank concerning their fees:
If your account is overdrawn then you have to pay a $30 overdrawn fee! You have to make up the overdrawn amount within 4 days. If not there is a fee of $6 per day up to $30 (5 days). Then you still have about 30 days to make up the overdrawn amount or your account will be closed.
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