Cyber-begging is alive and well! In case you don't know what cyber-begging is it is people using the internet to beg for money. If you click the link above you will see a blog entry from someone who is making good money using Adsense. He got an email from a 16 year old kid who is asking for money to buy a car.
Personally I won't comment on this but I will say that I like the replies that say "give a man a fish and he can eat for a day but teach a man to fish and he will be able to eat forever" - meaning that the kid should learn how to make money himself. I was also surprised by a few of the comments that suggested the kid be given the money simply because he had the balls to ask for it.
I'll let you decide!
To The
Adsense Consultant's Blog!
**Please do not confuse Adsense with the Adsense Consulting Firm.*
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9 years ago
i wish to send an appeal for usd 60000 to asssist me offset my debts. how do i go through with this
You can find out about some grant programs by going to my Grant Basics 101 Blog where you should find general information about some grant programs.
However you are asking for $60,000 to help you "offset your debts" - while there are some grant programs that pay upwards of $100,000 where you can use the money for whatever you want and that includes paying off your debts.
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