Wednesday, September 5, 2012

FoodStamps Are Hitting A Record High!

Looking at the latest news of the day I saw a link to an article about how food stamps usage is hitting a record high this year. Of course people are blaming President Obama for this but ironically using food stamps to buy food actually helps the economy.

The article goes on to say that nearly 1 out of every five people are using food stamps now. Even then the same article states that even with food stamps people still do not have enough money at the end of the month for food.

I remember talking to a former co-worker one time and she told me that if I knew of anyone who wanted to sell some food stamps to let her know because the food stamps that she gets does not last her until the end of the month.

I started this blog because it has become apparent to me that if we want to master our own financial security then we have to learn as much about money as we can! Make it a priority! Study wealthy people and study how they made their wealth!

I also have a Working From Home blog where I blog about working from home.

You definitely have to find ways to supplement your income and if you are at the point where you don't even have a job now you have to make finding a job your JOB for now!

I hate to mention it but in the article there is even talk about changing the food stamp program!

Food Stamps Hit Record Highs In June 2012

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