Friday, March 27, 2009

If You Have A Credit Card Then You Shoud DEFINITELY READ This Online Article!

I found this article online and it is about some changes that are going to be happening to credit cards in the near future!

It's bad enough when one has managed to get themselves in to credit card debt and are looking for a way out but now these new changes might be affecting those who are paying their credit card bills on time!

While it has always been suggested that one read the fine print on their credit card applications, not a lot of people do so and they aren't aware of all the charges and fees that they may be subjected to!

There are so many interesting points in this article including information about the fees being charged for credit card cash advances! There are sometimes 2 fees associated with that! Although I'm sure that a lot of people are aware of this anyway because I see so many people at the ATM machines in places like the grocery store and gas stations getting a cash advance and I'm sure that while they may be aware of the fees associated with making such cash advances, I'm sure that they have a very good reason for making such cash withdrawals. They may need the money for some type of financial emergency or something. I believe that there is even one credit card company that is paying some users NOT to use their credit card and to return them!

The article also has some advice for consumers as well.

It is quite a long, interesting and informative article!

Big Credit Card Changes!

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