Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Do You Have A Bank Account?

I post this question because I was looking at one of the Adsense-related message forums and I saw that someone had posted that they can't believe that some people are still getting their adsense money by regular check. The person that posted stated that they think that Adsense should stop issuing Adsense earning by check!

Of course I think that this would be a huge mistake because without that option a lot of people would not be able to get their adsense earnings!

Just the fact that one is able to actually have a bank account in the first place is a blessing because not everyone is able to have a bank account. As a matter of fact I remember hearing a teller who worked at the bank saying that she couldn't even HAVE a bank account! There was even a time way back when I didn't have a bank account because I had been seriously overdrawn!

The problem with that is that the bank will actually let you be able to overdraw your account but then you get hit with these huge bank fees and that is what happened to me! In the meantime you can't open another bank account at another bank because you have it on your record that you owe another bank - so you can't open a new bank account somewhere else!

So if you do have a bank account - consider yourself lucky and be grateful that you are able to have it because having one and keeping one has gotten to be more harder - while in the meantime there are those who are not able to have a bank account at all!

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