Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Avoiding Foreclosure - Help

As the number of foreclosures increases there may be more help available for you then you realize:

Here are some very good tips to follow to help you to try to avoid foreclosure

Do NOT ignore the lender.

Somehow getting behind on a mortgage comes with a built in belief that phoning your lender constitutes a sin or that a call to a lender will result in their ripping your head off right through the chord. In truth, most lenders appreciate knowing why you are having trouble and like updates on how things are going, especially when your problems have justified reasons like health issues or the loss of a job. Treat letters from your lender as wake up call from a concerned neighbor rather than a threat from a bully. Remember – banks want to help get you back on track, they want their payments not your house. If you do not think you can talk to them yourself about a plan there are professional foreclosure negotiators who can help if you have fallen behind.

And this tip I like the best!

Do NOT think you have no options, Do NOT fail to take advantage of

You may believe, or your lender may lead you to believe, that you must pay them in full or lose your home to foreclosure. In fact, many options exist which will allow you to keep your house and stop the foreclosure proceeding without paying all of your arrearage at once. Some choices may even reduce what you owe on your property by tens of thousands of dollars. Almost everyone has some options and the sooner you act the more options you have. As the foreclosure date gets closer, options continue to become unavailable until by the foreclosure date only payment in full or a bankruptcy filing remain. Read more about what foreclosure prevention options you have and take action as fast as you can.


Douglas Bovee said...


Nice post. It is especially important to try and work with your lender when you get into trouble. The more you try and work with them, the more they'll be willing to work with you.

As far as the Mortgage Accelerator, thanks for the comment. What's nice about this program, is that you can pay your home off faster WITHOUT putting tons of extra money towards it. Remember, it's about the payoff, not the payment.

Rose said...

I know that a lot of people are afraid (or ashamed) to get in contact with their mortgage company because they think that something "bad" might happen - usually this is a case of fearing the unknown.

But if you end up not calling them at all you could make things a whole lot worse!