Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Tax On Grocery Bags - Part 2!

This is continued information from a previous post here on this blog.

Well it seems more and more stores are starting to charge their customers for using paper bags. I saw a new post about this subject on one of the forums that I belong to.

I was surprised to see how many more places are charging their customers for using the stores plastic bags. In my own local area I really know of only one store - Aldi's that charges customers for using their bags. They charge something like 25 cents per bag.

It's going to make grocery shopping a more expensive trip.

It certainly is not going to be a good way to help people get out of debt! It is certain going to contribute to a person's credit card debt if they are paying for their groceries with a credit card!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Be Careful When You're At The ATM Machine!

Online there is yet another article warning people to be careful when they are using their ATM cards!

There are scams going on in which someone can find out what your ATM codes are and they can use that of course to withdraw money from your account - be it your credit card account or your bank account!

The article provides many helpful tips and advice on how you can save your ATM information from being stolen!

If you need credit card help there should be a toll-free number provided on your credit card

To read the article, just click here.